Strongest and Weakest amongst the former Shichibukais

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Who was the strongest Warlord and who was the weakest?

The Shichibukais, also called Warlords (of the sea), were powerful pirates who worked for the Marine and who were offered, by the Marine authorities, immunity and freedom to do their businesses. Before their dismantlement, the seven Warlords constituted one of the three greatest forces in the seas, along with the Marine and the Four Yonkous also called Emperors (of the sea). The balance between those three Powerhouses was what was maintaining peace in the world. For that reason every time a Warlord was taken down they would lose his or her title, a replacement would be chosen to fill the void and maintain the integrity of power constituted by the Seven Warlords. So here we’re gonna include all the pirates who, at one point or another, held the title of Shichibukai/Warlord of the Sea.

The Pirates who were nominated as Shichibukais were initially (in order of appearance and introduction throughout the Manga): Dracule Mihawk, Crocodile, Donquixote Doflamingo, Bartholomew Kuma, Gecko Moria, Jimbei and Boa Hancock. After a few replacements, other pirates became Warlords: Marshall D. Teach, Trafalgar Law, Buggy the Clown and Edward Weevil.

The question here is, before the system of Warlords of the Sea was abolished, amongst all the Pirates who once held the title of Shichibukais, who was the strongest and who was the weakest?

Weakest Warlord:

Some might consider the weakest Warlord to be Boa Hancock but she can be for many reasons. Starting with her currently being one of the only two known and confirmed Warlords to have Haoshoku Haki/Conqueror’s Haki and the fact that she one kick beat two Pacifistas during the Marineford War. Some might also consider Trafalgar Law might to be one the weakest Warlords (after being defeated with two separate Warlords) but his Ope Ope no mi (Op-Op fruit) power, as stated but Kaido himself, is difficult to handle.

No! Here we only have two real contestants for the title of weakest Warlord: Gecko Moria and Buggy. At one point in the story, this position would have gone to none other than Gecko Moria but then there is Buggy. We can undeniably agree that, from what we’ve seen so far, Buggy the Clown takes the crown of weakest Warlord of the Sea. Even though he used to be a pirate on the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger crew, in terms of raw power he doesn’t seem to hold a candle to any of the other Warlords when it comes to strength. Then again, Buggy could also be faking being weak due to whatever reason the Pirate King’s former crew members seem to be waiting before taking actions, but that is a whole different matter for later time.

Strongest Warlord:

Here we have two contestants who really standout for the title of weakest Warlord: Blackbeard and Dracule Mihawk. Of course, Marshall D. Teach aka Blackbeard is also a really strong contestant for the position of strongest Warlord. Little is known about Blackbeard’s special lineage and source of his power but currently no devil fruit users could beat him, at least not without using haki as well.

Amongst all the known Shichibukais only stood firm to the title of strongest in the world for over a decade, in his field, Dracule Mihawk, “Strongest Swordsman in the World”. Currently we only know one man who really stood his ground, as a swordsman, against Dracule Mihawk, Shanks. Since Mihawk has yet to display his full power we don’t really know much about his strength. Dracule Mihawk is the very first Shichibukai to appear in the Manga (this could be a hint from Eiichiro Oda but would be speculation).

Granted we don’t know what kind of Power Edward Weevil or even how powerful some of the former Shichibukais truly are so what we can do is speculate about who is really the strongest and who is the weakest amongst the Former Warlords of the Sea. Maybe One Day we will have this answer. Only time will tell.

What do you think? What would be your ranking for the former Warlords of Sea?

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