We know that Luffy awakened his Haoshoku Haki ability before his two years training with Rayleigh. We also saw a glimpses of Zoro’s conqueror’s haki in Sabaody and two years later on Punk Hazard we saw it again against Monet but it was only on Onigashima that we fully saw him used it even if he doesn’t yet seem to have mastered it like Luffy.
Could another member of the crew one day be about to use Haoshoku no Haki aka Conqueror’s haki?
From what we learned from Rayleigh in episode 516, Haoshoku no haki is the user’s willpower/spirit manifesting and imposing itself. It can be enhanced only by developing yourself. If we take in consideration all the knows users of Conqueror’s Haki : Roger, Rayleigh, Whitebeard, Oden, Shanks, Garp, Ace, Doflamingo, Big Mom, Katakuri, Kaido, Sengoku, Boa Hancock, …, we can establish that most people who are able to use Conqueror’s Haki have the will to face/fight the whole world and impose they idea or achieve their goals/dreams and/or willing to face the world to protect what they care about.
- The first time we saw Shanks and Ace use Conqueror’s Haki was to protect someone they care about from eminent danger or death which was also the case for Luffy on Amazon Lily and at Marineford;
- Kaido and Doflamingo are determined and willing to fight the world and destroy it;
- Garp and Sengoku are determined and willing to face any enemy of the justice, peace and the Marine;
- Luffy and Zoro are determined and willing to face the whole world in order respectfully to become Pirate (in order to achieve his actual dream) and become the strongest Swordsman in the goal to keep promise;
- Roger and Rayleigh were determined and willing to face the whole world in order to conquer it and become the strongest pirate crew among others goals;
- …
There are probably other factors to take in consideration that we don’t know about regarding Haoshoku no Haki users. Because many people (fans) are surprised to learn, through Vivre Card information data, that some of the big shots in the One Piece world (Mihawk, Blackbeard, etc.) don’t possess Conqueror’s Haki.
The question here is, taking in consideration all the factors mentioned above, is there someone in the Mugiwara’s crew, apart from Lufy and Zoro, who could possess Conqueror’s haki?
If we consider the Mugiawra’s ability alone, Jimbei and Sanji would be two most likely possible conqueror’s haki users. If we consider the Mugiawra’s goal alone, Jimbei and Robin would be two most likely possible conqueror’s haki users.
Jimbei’s nomination isn’t based on his power level nor on the fact that he can use both hakis nor on the fact that he’s a former Shichibukai. This nomination is based on his personal goal that is for humans and fish-men to be friends and equals. His goal will have him face real hard obstacles (racism, slavery, hatred, etc. from word and those against his values.
Sanji’s nomination is only based on his ability to use both observation and armament haki but there just seems to be something missing about him that doesn’t make him a Conqueror’s haki user.
Even though Robin doesn’t seem to be able to use haki yet if not at all, her goal is to know the history of the world including the century void. A goal for which she has to face the world’s greatest authority and the marine while being chased by those same entities for being a person able to read the Poneglyphs. In order to achieve a goal she joined forces with Crocodile and after almost died trying to discover the hidden history. After being saved by Luffy from being buried alive, after being saved by the crew in Enies Lobby and surviving two Buster Calls, Robin’s will to uncover the history of the world has been renewed and forged in steel. She is facing the world and willing to become the Devil child she was labeled.