Monkey D. Luffy 02


Luffy is considered to be the main character of the manga. Captain of the Mugiwara Pirates Crew/Straw Hat Pirate, he aims to become the next Pirate King by finding the former Pirate King Gol D. Roger’s legendary treasure, One Piece. Luffy possesses the power of a Devil Fruit that gives his body rubber properties. Luffy cas also use all three types of Haki, (observation, armament and Supreme King), thanks to his training with Silvers Rayleigh during the 2 year hiatus of Straw hat Pirates. Luffy also possesses to hear the Voice of all things, the same mysterious Power that the Pirate King Gol D. Roger and Kozuki Oden had. Luffy is Sabo’s and Ace’s chosen brother, the son of Monkey D. Dragon, leader of the Revolutionary Army and the grandson of Monkey D. Garp, The Hero of the Marine.

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Monkey D. Luffy 02
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